Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
200 lines
; File......: SHADOW.ASM
; Author....: Reginald B. Walton; Modified by Ted Means
; Date......: $Date: 15 Aug 1991 23:07:26 $
; Revision..: $Revision: 1.2 $
; Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/shadow.asv $
; This is an original work by Reginald B. Walton and is placed in the
; public domain.
; Modification history:
; ---------------------
; $Log: E:/nanfor/src/shadow.asv $
; Rev 1.2 15 Aug 1991 23:07:26 GLENN
; Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
; Rev 1.1 11 May 1991 00:29:22 GLENN
; Major re-write by Ted Means. He sped it up. It will also cooperate
; with Clipper's internal _gtmaxrow and _gtmaxcol settings.
; Rev 1.0 02 Apr 1991 18:25:40 GLENN
; Nanforum Toolkit
; $DOC$
; Video
; Draw a non-destructive shadow on the screen
; FT_SHADOW( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> ) -> NIL
; <nTop> is the top row of the shadow area.
; <nLeft> is the upper left column of the shadow area.
; <nBottom> is the bottom row of the shadow area.
; <nRight> is the lower right column of the shadow area.
; This function was designed to have my application emulate the
; non-destructive shadowing of the PC-TOOLS application. This function
; was written in Assembly language for speed since, the same function
; written in Clipper was too slow. The size of this function could be
; reduced by re-writing the SET_CUR_POSITION, READ_CHARACTER, and
; WRITE_CHARACTER macros as procedures. Note: this will slow it down
; a tad, since stack manipulation will be involved.
; 1. If you are using the SAVESCREEN() function to save your screen,
; remember to save enough screen for the shadow. The shadow will
; require 1 row and 2 columns.
; save_win = SAVESCREEN(Trow,Tcol,Brow+1,Bcol+2)
; 2. *** INTERNALS ALERT *** This function uses several Clipper internal
; routines. If using internals scares you, then stay away from this
; function, you gutless weasel.
; The source code is written to MASM specifications. To use another
; assembler, either invoke that assembler's MASM compatibility switch,
; or make the required modifications to the source code.
; LOCAL Save_Win := SaveScreen(10,10,21,52) // save enough for the shadow
; FT_SHADOW(10,10,20,50) // draw shadow
; ...
; do what ya' like
; ...
; RestScreen(10,10,21,52,Save_Win) // restore screen
; $END$
TopRow EQU Word Ptr BP - 2 ; Top row
TopCol EQU Word Ptr BP - 4 ; Top column
BotRow EQU Word Ptr BP - 6 ; Bottom row
BotCol EQU Word Ptr BP - 8 ; Bottom column
MaxRow EQU Word Ptr BP - 10 ; MaxRow()
MaxCol EQU Word Ptr BP - 12 ; MaxCol()
Extrn __ParNI:Far
Extrn __Ret:Far
Extrn __gtMaxRow:Far ; INTERNAL!!! INTERNAL!!!
Extrn __gtMaxCol:Far ; INTERNAL!!! INTERNAL!!!
Extrn __No_Snow:Word ; INTERNAL!!! INTERNAL!!!
_NanFor Segment Word PUBLIC 'CODE'
Assume CS:_NanFor
Push BP ; Save BP
Mov BP,SP ; Set up stack reference
Sub SP,12 ; Allocate room for locals
Call __gtMaxRow ; Get maxrow()
Mov [MaxRow],AX ; Store it
Call __gtMaxCol ; Get maxcol()
Mov [MaxCol],AX ; Store it
Mov AX,1 ; Specify param #
Push AX ; Put on stack
Call __ParNI ; Retrieve value
Mov [TopRow],AX ; Store it in TopRow
Mov AX,2 ; Specify param #
Push AX ; Put on stack
Call __ParNI ; Retrieve value
Mov [TopCol],AX ; Store it in TopCol
Mov AX,3 ; Specify param #
Push AX ; Put on stack
Call __ParNI ; Retrieve value
Mov [BotRow],AX ; Store it in BotRow
Mov AX,4 ; Specify param #
Push AX ; Put on stack
Call __ParNI ; Retrieve value
Mov [BotCol],AX ; Store it in BotCol
Xor AX,AX ; Clear AX
Mov ES,AX ; Set ES to low memory
Mov AX,0B800h ; Default to color
Cmp [ES:463h],3B4h ; Monochrome present?
JNE Vertical ; If not, continue
Mov AX,0B000h ; Switch to mono video base
Vertical:Mov ES,AX ; Initalize video base
Mov AX,[TopRow] ; Get top row
Inc AX ; Start one row down
Mov DX,[MaxCol] ; Get maxcol()
Inc DX ; Compensate for zero start
Mul DX ; Calculate offset of row, 0
Add AX,[BotCol] ; Now get offset of last column
Inc AX ; Go one past for shadow location
SHL AX,1 ; Multiply by two
Inc AX ; Point to attribute byte
Mov BX,AX ; Move offset to BX
Mov CX,[BotRow] ; Get last row
Sub CX,[TopRow] ; Subtract first row
VTop: Cmp [__No_Snow],0 ; Snow check in effect?
JE VSetAttr ; If not, continue
Mov DX,3DAh ; Specify status port
VWait: In AL,DX ; Get status
Test AL,8 ; Vertical retrace in progress?
JZ VWait ; No, so wait for it
VSetAttr:Mov Byte Ptr [ES:BX],7 ; Set shadow attribute
Mov Byte Ptr [ES:BX + 2],7 ; Set shadow attribute
Mov DX,[MaxCol] ; Get maxcol
Inc DX ; Compensate for zero start
SHL DX,1 ; Multiply by two
Add BX,DX ; Set offset to next column
Loop VTop ; Do next row
Mov AX,[BotRow] ; Get bottom row
Inc AX ; Go one past for shadow
Mov DX,[MaxCol] ; Get maxcol()
Inc DX ; Compensate for zero start
Mul DX ; Calculate offset of row, 0
Add AX,[TopCol] ; Now get offset of first column
Inc AX ; Start one column in
SHL AX,1 ; Multiply by two
Inc AX ; Point to attribute byte
Mov BX,AX ; Move offset to BX
Mov CX,[BotCol] ; Get last column
Sub CX,[TopCol] ; Subtract first column
Add CX,2 ; Calulate loop terminal value
HTop: Cmp [__No_Snow],0 ; Snow check in effect?
JE HSetAttr ; If not, continue
Mov DX,3DAh ; Specify status port
HWait: In AL,DX ; Get status
Test AL,8 ; Vertical retrace in progress?
JZ HWait ; No, so wait for it
HSetAttr:Mov Byte Ptr [ES:BX],7 ; Set shadow attribute
Add BX,2 ; Set offset to next column
Loop HTop ; Do next row
Exit: Mov SP,BP
Pop BP
Call __Ret ; Return NIL
Ret ; Go on back to Clipper
_NanFor Ends